Spring Hill Farms is now offering WERM Flooring Systems for your trailers and barns! 

WERM Flooring is a low cost and environmentally friendly product that is made from 100% post industrial recycled rubber. The product is then poured into place and troweled onto the floor, much like finished concrete. The finished product is half an inch thick, is impervious to liquids and completely seals the floor, giving your trailers and stalls a non-slip and durable surface.

WERM Flooring Systems can be installed in:

  • Horse Trailers
  • Wash Racks
  • Aisle-Ways
  • Recovery Stalls
  • Stall Floors
  • Kennel Floors

WERM Flooring Systems are well known for the following attributes:

  • Keeps your horse comfortable and can prevent injuries
  • Outstanding performance and longevity
  • Exceptional durability
  • Slip-resistant
  • Easy to maintain
  • Seamless edges help control bacteria
  • Lowers dust in your trailers and stalls
  • Non-absorbent
  • Cleans off with a hose
  • Transitions easily between walls, drains, and columns
  • Affordable